Art and Ideology. 100 years since the October Revolution (Athens)

Art and Ideology. 100 years since the October Revolution (Athens)

November 3 - 4 | Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences (Syggrou Ave. 136, Athens)

The October Revolution is considered to be an important event for both the Russian and world twentieth-century history. The completion of one hundred years from the events of 1917 serves as an occasion for reflection and critical reading of the past, while major questions arise about the present: Why does the Russian Revolution still concerns us? How can this event be approached today, three decades after the fall of the Berlin Wall?

Focusing on the connection between the dominant ideology and art, this Conference explores the way in which the October Revolution and the socio-political changes that followed affected the cultural production of the Soviet Union as well as that of other countries.

Main Topics

  • Art and Authority
  • Institutions and their influence on cultural production
  • State awards, artists’ unions and collectivities
  • The stand and the role of the artists in the cultural production system
  • Heroes and anti-heroes during the Soviet and post-Soviet era
  • Socialist Realism: aesthetics and sociopolitical implications
  • Propaganda and Censorship
  • Cultural Politics and Diplomacy
  • Representations of the Revolution and the Soviet past in art – Then and Now
  • The influence of Soviet art and its effect on other cultures

*Τo be noted: The topics above are indicative; abstracts related to wider issues of the conference are not ruled out.
Target Audience
Aiming to create a field of interdisciplinary dialogue, this conference is open to faculty members, doctoral students, graduate students and researchers from related disciplines. The invitation is also addressed to individual or collective ongoing research and artistic projects related to the topic of the conference.
Important Dates
Abstract (300 to 400 words) and a short cv (100 to 200 words) should be submitted until June 18, 2017 at the following address:, e-mail subject "Abstract Submission".

The application should include:

  • Title
  • Abstract (300-400 words)
  • Author’s full name, affiliation, as well as academic title
  • A short cv (100-200 words)
  • e-mail and contact number.

The authors will be informed via e-mail by July 30, 2017.

Conference Language
The conference languages will be Greek and English.

The conference is organized under the aegis of the Department of Communication, Media, and Culture of Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences.

For more info see artrevolution2017

03.11.17 - 04.11.17
Social media