La città d’acciaio. Mosca costruttivista 1917-1937

The City of Steel, Constructivist Moscow 1917-1937

The exhibition explores the experiments and architecture of the Russian avant-garde that have influenced and continue to influence, directly and indirectly, some of the most significant contemporary architectural studies, even a century later. The exhibition aims to show such architecture, the value of which has not yet been recognized by the general public and maybe be therefore forgotten.

Curator: Luca Lanini
Project design: Luca Lanini, Fabrizio Sainati, Anna Leddi, Giorgia Puccinelli, Alessandro Riello, Sara Tenchini
Research group: Marco Giorgio Bevilacqua, Luca Lanini, Natalia Melikova with Anna Leddi, Giorgia Puccinelli, Alessandro Riello, Sara Tenchini

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